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A Day at Casa de Ninos

When you enter a room at Casa de Niños it is pleasant with natural lighting, lovely photographs and framed paintings hang in view for the children, magnificent and scientifically informed Montessori materials fill the room.


Each exquisite work is carefully fashioned from superior natural materials and resembles a piece of artwork.


Different plants and flowers decorate the room, the room is busy with children working with assorted materials either sitting at child-sized tables and chairs or on the floor with small rugs. A few children purposefully walk around the room considering different works or activities arranged on the child-sized shelves. Each child, whether working independently or quietly in pairs, is happily absorbed in the task in front of them.


Bilingual Environment


It is during the sensitive period of language (birth to age 8) when children can learn any language with minimal effort in a natural way. The “absorbent mind” of the child picks up the language by making associations with what is heard to the daily routines and to the materials the child is seeing and using. In addition to developing a usable fluency in Spanish, the children develop the ability and willingness to tolerate ambiguity and to search for meaning.


The exposure of a second language not only stimulates and challenges the brain but builds an extra mental capacity and further develops concentration, listening, analyzing, and verbal skills. Our staff is mostly bilingual Spanish and English.


Spanish is an integral part of our curriculum. Children hear Spanish throughout the day. Teachers introduce Spanish through songs, games, instructions, greetings and special lessons.



What is AMI

AMI was formed in 1929 by Dr. Maria Montessori to ensure that her philosophy and approach to education would be carried on as she intended.


Dr. Montessori’s goal was to foster the full development of the human being.


A school or teacher that carries the AMI certificate is continuing the tradition of quality first established by Dr. Montessori, a tradition that incorporate standards-based directly on Dr. Montessori’s work.

Child Pouring Water

Why Choose Casa de Ninos

Students emerge with deep academic understanding, independence, resilience and a confident love of learning.

Child Blowing Bubbles

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle 

“The child who has felt a strong love for his surroundings and for all living creatures, who has discovered joy and enthusiasm in work, gives us reason to hope that humanity can develop in a new direction.” -Maria Montessori

All Children Gathered
Casa de Niños Bilingual Montessori School


13584 Pond Spring Rd.

Austin, TX  78729




All Stars

"We moved our 15 month old son to this school more than a month ago. He loves coming to school and the staff are really caring and nurturing. I like that it's bilingual and also exposes him to nature. I enjoy picking him up at the end of the day and watching him play in the garden."

Daniela D.

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